Don't try to get your 100 person company to switch to Basecamp at the drop of a hat but if you are lucky enough to own a small business then Basecamp might be the perfect product for you. Collaboration is good for small independent teams like this but not everyone has the luxury to work in an environment where in which employees have a great deal of creative control.
If you look at the Basecamp customer success videos on the Basecamp website you will see that all of their showcased customers are someway involved with the creative end of things.
- R.Bird is a branding company.
- Elsewares sells and makes creative products.
- NYSE Transaction Tools are created by software developers.
- and the list could go on.
Work for an IT department and I suspect that Basecamp would be an awful way to manage helpdesk requests because management has a product that is more effective at doing the job for a larger group of employees.
Relationships within a large corporation are also different. Small independent companies have less corporate hierarchy while large companies do. Yes, Basecamp does allow for hierarchical restrictions but more often than not a piece of software does not change the fact that large companies like to restrict information internally and small companies are less likely to do that.
If you have your own business, more power to you but if you work for a large company the chances of you needing Basecamp are probably less so. What do you guys think? Does any of you have any experience with these collaboration tools cause I know I don't.
Totally agree.
Have a look at
Its has some of the features of basecamp, with a bunch more. We started out with Basecamp then migrated to Central Desktop, because we were hitting the feature limits.
We now have about 50 users on Central Desktop, and the workspace segmentation and features seems to be a good fit for us.
Basecamp is all right is communication is everything you need. I think Wrike is better for management. It just has all the right features for it, which Basecamp happens to lack.
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